
5 Rewarding Reasons to Join a Small Group at Church

A poll by the Lifeway Research group found that before COVID 19, roughly 59 percent of US churchgoers participated in small group activities. As the US emerges from the pandemic, it’s crucial now more than ever to see the benefits of joining a small group at church.

Are you thinking of joining one? If so, here are just five ways a small church group can make a difference for you.

What’s a Small Group?

Small church groups are intentional gatherings that regularly meet to promote their common religious interests. These interests can range from community outreach to understanding the teachings of their church.

Examples of community outreach interests can include serving local poor/needy populations. Other small groups meet to explore their relationship with God.

For example, the Sound of Heaven church at supports various small groups to promote its ministries. They see these groups to allow their members to experience Jesus in real and tangible ways directly.

Small groups usually have a set meeting schedule. Dates, times, and meeting locations are established ahead of time. Then, members arrange their schedule to join in.

Five Benefits to Joining a Small Group

Small group fellowship provides significant benefits to a nation slowly emerging from months of isolation and constant fear. Here are five ways they can benefit you.

1. Gets You Noticed

It’s not easy to stand out or be noticed when you’re sitting in a church full of people once a week. However, you’ll feel like you’re amongst a tighter community in small groups.

Members will call you by name or ask about your day. They’ll notice if something is troubling you. Soon these members will come to care about you and appreciate you as one of God’s children.

2. Grow Closer to God

A small group can create a positive learning environment to bring your questions and learn from others. Small groups can also help you apply what you heard during Sunday services and apply that wisdom to the important relationships in your life.

3. Improve Communication and Critical Thinking Skills

Small groups allow you to develop your own analytical and decision-making skills by evaluating and discussing challenging concepts. These concepts might include heaven, salvation, or the Second Coming.

These discussions can improve your understanding of God’s love. They will also enhance your skills to consider other challenging ideas at school or work.

4. Support During Difficult Times

Small groups provide exceptional support during times of change, stress, or crisis. You´ll sense the security in knowing that there are people who will stand by your side.

This stability is constructive when someone loses a family member or job. In addition, your small group can coordinate meal sharing, rideshares, and other assistance until your crisis is over.

5. Have Fun

Small groups are also a great excuse to socialize and celebrate life together. You can organize social events like game nights, bonfires, or weekend camping trips to enjoy each other’s company. You’ll be surrounded by friends who share similar religious and life views.

Join a Small Group at Church Today!

If you’re ready to join a small group at church, go to your church’s website. Look for a list of small groups organized by subject or ministries offered. Then, when you’ve found a group covering your interests, get ready for the friendships that will last you a lifetime.

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