
A Grown Up’s Guide to Getting Braces as an Adult

Did you know that about 1 million of the 4 million braces wearers in America are adults? There is no age limit on getting the smile you deserve!

If you’re considering getting braces as an adult, you may have some questions about the process. It’s always a good idea to take some time to do your research before taking the plunge.

We’re here to address some of the common questions adults have about getting braces, ranging from their options to pricing.

Read on to have all of your questions answered.

Are There Any DIY Options for Adults Who Want Straighter Teeth?

This is the age of the DIY fix. It can seem like the internet can guide you through just about any process–right? Not exactly.

According to the ADA, there are no acceptable at-home or DIY ways to straighten your teeth. In other words, trying to take matters into your own hands won’t produce positive results. Regardless of the method you use (which we’ll discuss later on), you will always need the assistance of a licensed dentist and orthodontist. 

What Is the Cost of Getting Braces as an Adult?

Is the cost of getting braces as an adult substantially different than it is for kids or teens? 

The cost of braces and other teeth straightening options will not cost you more because you are an adult. That being said, you will need to undergo a few dental procedures before getting your braces. Adults may be more likely to need extensive dental cleanings and procedures than kids, but this is not a guarantee.

Find out more about the cost of braces and financing options.

Do You Have Other Options Besides Traditional Braces?

If you’re an adult looking to straighten your teeth, do you have to get traditional braces? Are there options that are more discreet?

Nowadays, you can opt for things like clear bands to make your braces less noticeable. However, braces are not the only way to straighten your teeth.

Clear aligners like Invisalign are growing in popularity. Unlike braces, clear aligners do not involve metal brackets, wires, or bands. When you go the Invisalign route, you are sent a series of clear plastic trays that fit snug against your teeth. 

Clear aligners are not 100% “invisible.” However, as long as you take good care of them, they will remain clear and draw less attention. Talk to your dentist about the pros and cons of traditional braces vs Invisalign to decide which option is best for you.

Get the Smile You Deserve No Matter Your Age

There is never an age limit on having a smile you love. Not getting braces as a child or teen doesn’t mean that you never can. In fact, getting braces as an adult is a relatively common thing to do!

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