
Does CBD Oil Help with Migraines? Benefits, Risks, and More

If you’re a migraine sufferer, you know how they are not only horrible to go through, but that they can end up controlling your everyday life. So you’ve likely tried a variety of remedies and preventative measures.

And perhaps you’ve heard about CBD oil as a potential remedy. And you’re wondering – does CBD oil help with migraines?

More and more people are turning to CBD as a way to cope with a variety of ailments. And that includes migraines.

If you’re curious about using CBD oil to help with your migraines, you’ve in the right place. In this post, I go through everything you need to know about CBD oil and the pros and cons of using it to treat your migraines.

So you’ll be able to tell if it’s a route you would like to try.

Sound interesting? Keep reading to find out more.

What Is CBD Oil?

Many people are under the misconception that CBD and marijuana are the same things. CBD is actually an isolated extract of the Cannabis Sativa plant.

While the Cannabis Sativa plant is often referred to as marijuana, it actually contains a huge variety of substances in it, of which CBD is one. CBD alone does not contain any of the properties of the plant wich psychoactive effects.

In other words, CBD alone doesn’t get you high.

The way CBD interacts with the body and brain is still being studied, though there are theories that it interacts with your endocannabinoid system, which factors into things like memory, anxiety, mood, and immunity.

CBD Oil Benefits

While the benefits of CBD oil are still being studied, there are initial signs of promise. One study, published in Frontiers of Neurology, pointed to evidence that CBD has a fair amount of helpful pharmacological attributes.

It stated that CBD potentially has anti-inflammatory effects, as well as antipsychotic and antiemetic and antioxidative properties.

And it also said that these positive factors are made better by the absence of negative factors that we see with other substances. CBD does not seem to alter blood pressure or heart rate, nor does it hinder motor and psychological functions.

CBD and Migraines

While it’s too soon for any definitive answer as far as whether CBD oil will help with migraines, there is a lot of potential there.

Since, at least anecdotally, CBD has been said to help with chronic pain and inflammation, there is a good chance of overlap when it comes to treating the symptoms of migraine.

There hasn’t been any isolated study of CBD oil on migraines specifically, however. So it’s still way too early to say one way or another whether it’s a good treatment.

But, as with many of the other stories of CBD, there are many anecdotal testimonies that CBD has helped migraine sufferers find relief.

Many people claim that using CBD oil not only eases their migraine pain, but that it also helps to reduce the length of their migraines.

Alternative Evidence

There have been studies involving CBD and THC (the psychoactive component found in marijuana that show promising results when the two are used in conjunction.

In one study from 2012, CBD was shown to have an effect on certain types of chronic pain and inflammation. In particular, it decreased both in connection to multiple sclerosis and arthritis.

Another 2016 survey showed a trend that medical marijuana might lower the frequency of migraines. Migraineurs in the study reported their migraine frequency was more than cut in half.

And another study from 2009 showed some evidence that certain compounds of cannabis might have an effect on pain treatment in opioid users looking to switch to non-pharmaceutical pain relief.

So while none of these studies focused on CBD or CBD oil alone, they can be seen as positive steps towards an eventual conclusion that CBD oil for migraines might be a legit help.

How Much CBD Oil Should You Take?

Unlike other supplements and drugs, there are no established dosages for CBD oil yet. But the good news is that CBD has generally been found safe at even high dosages.

So you may be able to experiment a fair amount with how much CBD oil works for you, without running any risk of overdose or adverse effects.

It’s a good idea to start with smaller amounts and then work your way higher, as opposed to starting high and weaning down. And be sure to read the labels on any CBD oil products you buy for any specific instructions.

Products may vary vastly in terms of the amount of CBD in them. For example, on CBD oil from Axon, which is designed specifically for migraines, has a very high concentration of CBD, at more than 33mg per 1 ml serving size.

And on the other end of the spectrum, there are CBD oils on the market with as low as 3mg per serving size. So you’ll need to experiment a little to see what works best with your body and with your migraines.

Are There Side Effects?

The good news is the CBD oil when isolated has very few side effects.

The ones that have been reported occasionally have been a change of appetite, and fatigue and diarrhea. But these have generally been reported with low frequency.

Plus, there isn’t any indication that CBD will interact with any other medicine you take, which is a benefit for any migraine sufferers who are trying out other medicines and supplements to help fight their headaches.

CBD oil is non-addictive, which was proven by a study by the World Health Organization, which showed that there wasn’t any difference between CBD oil and placebo in terms of addictiveness. This was true even in very high doses.

Does CBD Oil Help with Migraines?

We started off with the question: Does CBD oil help with migraines?

And while we can’t say definitively that it does or does not, there is a growing collection of evidence that it might.  So my best advice is to try it out and see if it works for you.

And for more info on how cannabis might help you, check out other posts on our blog!

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