
No Knife Involved: What Is Liquid Rhinoplasty?

Did you know that there are around 220,000 rhinoplasty procedures that get done each year in the United States of America? While you might know what a nose job is, you might not know the answer to “What is liquid rhinoplasty.” Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical nose job procedure that provides a ton of benefits and compares favorably to surgical rhinoplasty.

Knowing the difference is important because you need to know all of your options when it comes to getting a nose job and making sure that you’ll be happy with liquid rhinoplasty results. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place to learn more about before and after liquid rhinoplasty and why you need to consider both options.

Keep reading this article to learn more.

What Is Liquid Rhinoplasty?

A liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical option for someone that wants to get a nose job. It works by using an injection of dermal fillers into the patient’s nose in order to alter the patient’s nose shape. This is a great choice for patients that have minor issues with their nose like a dorsal hump.

There are tons of benefits to getting liquid rhinoplasty rather than the surgical option. Getting a non-surgical nose job from Ascension will help you get the nose that you want with a minimally invasive procedure.

Benefits of Liquid Rhinoplasty

One of the biggest reasons that people choose to go with non-surgical rhinoplasty is that there is minimal downtime after the procedure. With a surgical nose job, you need to take days or even weeks to allow your body to recover. You also experience more inconveniences with a surgical nose job, like not being allowed to shower until after your bandages come off.

Another great benefit is that you’ll get to see the liquid rhinoplasty results immediately after the dermal filler injections are done. This means that you’ll leave the clinic the same day with a new nose and a new appearance. There is no swelling and there are no bandages that you’ll need to worry about.

The results also are temporary which means if there is anything that you’re not completely satisfied with then you can return in a few months and get a different nose shape that is more to your liking. This is great since corrections to your nose are simple and quick.

If you’re worried about your budget then you’ll be happy to know that liquid rhinoplasty is a much cheaper alternative to the surgical rhinoplasty procedure. A surgical nose job will cost anywhere from $4,000 all the way up to $10,000. Getting liquid rhinoplasty will save you a ton of money and still get you the nose that you want.

Schedule a Liquid Rhinoplasty Appointment Today

You no longer need to wonder “What is liquid rhinoplasty” nor the benefits that it provides when compared to surgical rhinoplasty. It uses dermal fillers to reshape your nose and give you an appearance that you love. It also has no recovery time and you’ll see immediate liquid rhinoplasty results. Best of all, it will save you money.

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