
The Role of Workers Compensation Doctors in the Injury Process

Portrait of an attractive young Hispanic doctor with a beard writing a prescription in his office and smiling

In 2018, there were 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses, which is a similar number to 2017’s. For that reason, we can assume this number is pretty unchanged with each year.

With such a high statistic, you should probably assume that it’s not a question of if you’ll get injured at work, but when. When it happens, you want to make sure you’re properly compensated so you don’t have to worry financially and can recover with less anxiety.

Read on for a quick guide on workers’ compensation doctors.

What Are Workers’ Compensation Doctors?

Workers’ comp doctors are medical professionals who work mainly on employee claims for workers’ compensation. This means they’re usually on an employer’s approved list of doctors workers can see to start the claims process.

In a lot of cases, the insurance company will require you to get an IME or risk having your claim denied. This occurs when the insurer doesn’t agree with what your treating doctor’s prescribed or recommended.

What Is an IME?

“IME” stands for “independent medical examination”; this is something a workers’ compensation doctor can provide. You won’t be able to get these at your regular GP.

Why? Because they can’t provide a neutral opinion. Because your normal doctor already has a relationship with you, they may be biased and exaggerate about your condition so you can get a higher payout.

By going to a workers’ comp doctor, you can get a neutral third-party opinion and not risk a lower quality of care.

How to Find a Workers’ Comp Doctor

Of course, a quick and easy way to find a workers’ comp doctor is to Google them. But the results might not turn up ones your employee allows.

Always make sure to get the list of acceptable doctors from your employer and then do your own research on Google. You can also as your GP for a referral, as they’ve probably worked with many other patients who have been injured on the job.

What Not to Say to Workers’ Comp Doctor

Always remember to be truthful; don’t lie, either by exaggerating your pain or omitting information. Doing either will only hurt your case.

For instance, if you’ve been in a car accident while on the job, you need to mention if you have shooting leg pains. It could be any number of things, so you need to make clear to the doctor where your injuries are and how bad they are as well.

Always go to your appointments and follow all directions for treatment. Otherwise, the insurance company might that as a sign that your injuries aren’t as bad as you say they are.

Get Compensation for Your Workplace Injury

Workers’ compensation doctors are there to provide a neutral opinion when it comes to your workplace injury. If you want to get fair compensation, then make sure you take action promptly and follow every step recommended.

Want to keep yourself healthier to prevent injuries? Then take a look at this article.

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