
Three Types of Outpatient Clinics

According to the CDC, around 84% of Americans make use of outpatient clinics every year. That’s because these facilities offer many services for cheaper than hospitals do.

Outpatient facilities hire expert counselors, pharmacists, and nurses. These professionals collaborate with physicians to ensure their patients receive the best care. 

Keep reading for more about the most common types of outpatient treatments available.    

What Is an Outpatient Clinic?

Outpatient clinics offer healthcare services for patients that don’t need hospitalization. Inpatient care involves staying in the hospital for one night or more.

Outpatient care also goes by the name, ambulatory care. It includes preventive, diagnostic, and treatment measures.

They can also perform minor surgeries if necessary. These include same-day procedures like hernia repairs and tonsillectomies.

Your doctor can refer you to an outpatient clinic. Often, you can simply arrive and ask for help.

1. Emergency Outpatient Clinics

The emergency room is the first port of call for many in-hospital patients. Yet, the services offered at these clinics usually fall under the banner of outpatient care. 

That’s because most people who visit the emergency room don’t need hospitalization. Emergency outpatient clinics offer vital and sometimes life-saving services, especially after hours. 

They provide immediate care for those who need it most. These include wounds and fractures due to auto accidents and household incidents.

Emergency clinics provide expert health care for many who can’t afford in-hospital treatment. 

2. Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics

These clinics help people with mental or emotional problems achieve healing. An outpatient mental health clinic provides valuable support and counseling for many conditions.

These include:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Addiction and eating disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Anxiety and depression

Some psychiatric outpatient clinic services include:

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Trauma support

Family therapy is another important service offered by these clinics.

3. Physical Therapy Clinics

These clinics provide ongoing care to help patients recover from physical trauma. They help them to gain the best use of their bodies again. 

Occupational therapists help break down obstacles hampering people’s physical, emotional, and social needs.

A physical therapy outpatient clinic can offer extensive occupational therapy services to patients. These include tactics for recovery from chronic maladies like:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Stroke
  • Fractures
  • Sports injuries

They feature in-house therapists as well as machines to help patients recover faster. An OT can help patients recovering from fractures to use a treadmill. 

Some of these clinics can also offer pain management exercises and tips. These are useful for people who don’t want to increase their pain medication. 

Ensure Improved Health That Lasts

Outpatient clinics take a considerable burden off healthcare services. They also help ensure patients enjoy a full recovery.  

Have you suffered a traumatic injury or serious illness? Talk to your doctor about your outpatient options.

Outpatient clinics can provide you with indispensable skills for ensuring your ongoing health.

Would you like some more information on how to safeguard your health? Browse our blog for more of the best wellness tips to help you get into top shape and stay that way. 


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