
Tips for Creating a HIPAA Compliant Cloud Environment

Data breaches are a significant threat to businesses worldwide, and protecting your business’s sensitive data is critical to keep your customers and patients happy. Hackers are getting better at accessing cloud-based servers, with over 1,800 data breaches occurring in the United States in 2021. If you want to remain HIPAA compliant, it’s up to you to learn how to host your data.

HIPAA protects every health-related document and shred of data. If you don’t prepare and prevent a HIPAA penetration, you’ll risk patients taking their business elsewhere. Diving into HIPAA-compliant cloud hosting is essential to protect your data and reputation.

Luckily, you’ve found this eye-opening guide to the steps to keep your company or practice HIPAA compliant. Continue reading to prepare a HIPAA-compliant cloud for your operations today!

Invest in a Firewall

The best way to keep hackers out is to invest in improved security for your practice or company. A firewall is an excellent investment to protect your patient records cloud and control their personal information. You must have a firewall to remain HIPAA compliant when storing patient records on your cloud server.

Avoid Public Clouds

Public clouds are a significant risk that you must avoid to decrease the odds of HIPAA penetration. Public clouds lead to vulnerable security and make it simple for hackers to access patient records and financial information.

Invest in a dedicated server to avoid public or hybrid cloud servers. Test your new server with hipaa penetration testing to find out if your server is tough enough to remain compliant with HIPAA rules and regulations.

Use VPNs

VPNs are another factor worth considering if you’re attempting to overcome the threat of data breaches and access to patient information. The VPN you choose will encrypt and protect your data from those who wish you harm. Check out the top VPN options to keep your business thriving and HIPAA-compliant.

Audit Each Action

The auditing process should not be overlooked when securing your cloud server against hackers and data breaches. Each action should be audited and documented to prove HIPAA compliance. Store your audits in a secured ledger to prepare for future audits.

Back-Up Data

Backing up data is another critical step to remain HIPAA compliant. Ransomware could access your system and keep you from operating your company. Having backed-up data allows you to get operations up and running quickly.

When you back up your essential data, you’ll also protect yourself from system failures and crashes. Store it at an off-site location to adhere to HIPAA rules and regulations.

Stay HIPAA Compliant Today

Protecting your data from breaches and hackers is critical to keep your business or practice HIPAA compliant, and it starts with investing in revamped security, like firewalls and VPNs. Encrypting your data will keep it safe, as will backing up your data on an off-site server. Audit each action to build a HIPAA-compliant cloud for your operations.

Are you ready to take the next step in your business operations? Explore more of our business and technology content for new insights and security tips today!

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