
Top Technology Tips and IT Support for Small Businesses

Are you stuck trying to get the IT needs of your company in order?

IT support for small businesses is complex and easy to get wrong. Believe it or not, 27% of companies have no IT support at all.

There is a lot to doing IT right. The good news is, there are a few simple tips you can put in place to get started.

Follow the five tips below to get your company’s IT infrastructure in shape.

1. Develop a Backup Plan

If you don’t want to lose all your vital information when a disaster happens, you need to create a backup plan for your data. This plan will move all your important data to an off-site location that can be accessed if you ever lose any files.

The frequency of your backup depends on how fast your data changes. If you have something that only changes a few times a month, a weekly backup will be fine.

But if something changes daily, make sure you are backing it up every night.

2. Secure Your Network

While the internet has made it easier to do business, it’s also introduced more risk. When you’re online, you open yourself up to hackers who want to compromise your data.

Invest in firewalls, virus protection, and strong passwords to keep your company information safe.

3. Educate Staff

You’re only as strong as your weakest link. You hear this saying everywhere, and it applies to your company’s security.

You can invest in the best security out there, but an uninformed staff member can bring your whole business down. Make sure your staff knows how to keep secure.

4. Invest in Collaboration Tools

If you’re still using paper and spreadsheets to track your projects, you’re behind the times. Modern software allows you to put your projects online and collaborate easier than you ever could in the past.

Check out projects like Trello and Asana to manage your project communication and tasks. Your staff will be able to stay up to date and know who needs to do what in your company projects.

5. Hire a Managed Services Company

Before you decide to take on your IT needs yourself, you need to ask yourself an important question. Do you have the time to manage everything?

If the answer is no, then look into hiring a managed IT service company to handle your support. Doing this will allow you to focus on your core business without worrying as much about your IT infrastructure.

Head to Preactive IT solutions for more info about how a managed service can help.

IT Support for Small Businesses Takes Work

A good IT infrastructure won’t just magically appear. You need to do your research, so you know what policies will keep you and your company safe and productive.

The tips above are only the beginning. Make sure you continue to learn so your business has the IT support for small businesses it needs to grow and thrive.

Once you get technology out of the way, it’s time to start getting business. Head over to our marketing category for promotion tips that can bring you, new customers.

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