
An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Microbial Contamination in Cannabis

As a cannabis manufacturer, you take pride in offering products that can add value to people’s health and, in turn, their lives. And according to research, you may be helping your customers in more ways than you know.

Research shows that the use of cannabis is proven to decrease people’s chronic pain. It is also shown to provide relief from anxiety, stress, and insomnia. 

The question is, how do you know that your business’s cannabis products are free from contamination?

The danger of microbial contamination in cannabis is a real issue, but it has real solutions. Here’s a rundown on everything you need to know about microbial contamination control in cannabis.

Let’s dig in! 

Why Microbial Contamination in Cannabis Matters

Cannabis use is increasingly popular today. But this popularity comes with rising concerns about cannabis products’ microbial contamination.

That’s because like other crops, cannabis can become contaminated with dangerous pathogens. This can happen at any point during the product’s supply chain. For example, it can occur during the cultivation, harvesting, or distribution steps.

For this reason, many state-level regulators have established limits for cannabis products’ microbial populations. In light of this, it is paramount that you adopt testing at your business. This will help you to remain compliant with regulations and keep your customers safe.

Practice Microbial Testing

What exactly is microbial testing? This is a type of testing used to detect organisms that other industries, like the poultry or beef industry, also screen for. These include salmonella and E. coli, which can cause food-borne illnesses.

These organisms are relatively rare in cannabis. However, it’s still wise to take extra precautions and monitor any edible products you sell that contain cannabis.

In addition, to screening for bacteria, tests are available that can test for total mold and yeast counts. Molds and yeasts can cause health issues involving the respiratory system. 

Institute Water Activity Testing

What is water activity testing? This type of testing is used to determine how much water a product has. This is important because microorganisms, like mold, can flourish in cannabis if the conditions are wet.

You should ideally test your cannabis’s water content at several stages of the production process. These include packaging, curing, and drying. By doing this, you can make sure that your buds’ conditions don’t get so wet that they encourage the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Master How to Provide Safe Cannabis for Public Consumption

As you serve customers with your products, it’s critical that you prevent microbial contamination every step of the way. Fortunately, it is more than possible to prevent microbial cross contamination in your cannabis.

Consider using the above-listed testing solutions to keep microbial contamination in cannabis at bay. In this way, you can boost your bottom line while also protecting your customers and your business from liability long term

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