
Healing from Nature: 7 Ayurveda Herbs to Try

A variety of local herbs and Southeast Asia.

Hands up if you go straight to over-the-counter medication to heal your ailments?

If your hand is up, you’re not alone.

It’s easy to underestimate the power of plants to heal your body. At the end of the day, we’ve all been conditioned to depend on traditional medicine to treat inflammation, headaches, and other health issues.

Looking to heal your body from the inside? Try these seven Ayurveda herbs, which can treat a multitude of problems in the body.

What are Ayurveda Herbs?

Ayurveda is known to be one of the oldest and most comprehensive systems of health care in the world. It’s traditions date back thousands of years and are renowned for improving the quality of human life.

In simple terms, Ayurveda offers a framework for understanding the body and how best to achieve its quest for balance. Most importantly, in the Ayurvedic model of health care, body, mind, and spirit are inextricably linked.

In practice, Ayurveda recommends herbs in most meals, every day, for a lifetime. The use of Ayurvedic herbs is central to the system, as they’re believed to help maintain normal function and system balance.

Ayurvedic herbs have a variety of functions from mental to physical wellbeing. According to the article, An Intro to Mimosa Pudica (And Its Sticky Seeds), from Microbe Formulas, mimosa pudica has been used to treat anxiety for thousands of years.

Keep reading to find out more about seven Ayurveda herbs that are fundamental to this holistic health practice. Each of them will make an incredible addition to your herbal pantry.

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, or Withania Somnifera as it’s also known, is one of the most prominent tonics in the Ayurvedic world. It’s said to perform a similar role to that of ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine.

Ayurveda considers Ashwagandha to be an Ayurveda Rasayana, which is a very powerful rejuvenator. The name Ashwagandha means “like a horse,” a nod to its traditional associations with sexual vigor, particularly for men.

2. Tribulus

Tribulus or Tribulus Terrestris is another well-known and highly-regarded Ayurvedic herb also referred to as a sexual tonic. It’s celebrated for its use as a rejuvenation supplement, traditionally associated with the urogenital tract.

Tribulus is believed to soothe the urogenital membranes and thus support and promote normal urine flow. Ayurveda also makes use of Tribulus for prostate support.

3. Garlic

The tastiest herb of all!

Garlic is well-known for its various health benefits. It has amazing antimicrobial and cleansing properties and is known to increase sperm count.

Ayurveda has three regulating forces in nature (Doshas). These are made up of five elements – Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth.)

Garlic is said to improve vision and to pacify Vata and Kapha but increase Pitta.

4. Ginger

This is another delicious one. Ginger is regarded as one of the best ayurvedic herbs and is widely used in Ayurveda for its varied medicinal properties.

Ginger is credited with improving your metabolism and increased appetite. It also treats gastrointestinal disorders and stimulates circulation.

Just like garlic, it’s delicious in food and decreases Vata and Kapha but increases Pitta.

5. Guduchi

Guduchi, or Tinospora Cordifolia, means protector of the body. Although it has a bitter taste, it’s known as one of the best restorative herbs.

It reduces toxins and removes impurities from the body, promoting a healthy inflammatory response. It effectively supports liver purification by cleansing the blood and thus promotes healthy skin.

6. Haritaki

Haritaki is believed to be one of the most potent Ayurveda herbal plants of all.

It’s known to clear the body channels, aiding detoxification. It also assists in supporting healthy digestion and in the absorption of nutrients from food. It’s very effective at enhancing the overall function of the digestive tract.

7. Tumeric

Last but certainly not least.

Turmeric is one of the most famous and most widely used Indian Ayurvedic herbs.

It’s a common cooking ingredient in India and helps to treat digestive and inflammatory disorders. It’s also a potent healer of numerous skin-related diseases.

The Next Steps

After reading this, you should be more familiar with nature’s medicine. These healing herbs have the potential to change the way you look and feel. And the best part is that they’re easy to source and to store.

So, what are the next steps?

It’s time to empower yourself with knowledge. Visit our website for more advice on natural ways to better your health and well-being.

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