
Stay Classy 101: A Crash Course on Cigars for Beginners

Did you know that cigars were invented by ancient Mayan civilizations? When most people think of cigars, they think of Cuba. Cuba is certainly the cigar capital of the world. 

Ancient Mayans would roll tobacco in palm or plantain leaves and smoke. After the western discovery of tobacco, Cuba became home to the best tobacco grows. Cuba’s endless sunshine and fertile land made it the perfect place to grow tobacco.

Even though they’ve been part of our lives since the 10th century, cigar smoking has evolved into an art form. In this article, we’ll explore the best cigars for beginners. By the end, you’ll be a true cigar aficionado. 

Cigars for Beginners 

Cigars and be hand-rolled or machine-rolled. Hand-rolled is the preferred method for both beginners and experts. If you’re still unsure of what to purchase for your first cigar, we recommend Oliva Connecticut Reserve

Most hand-rolled cigars use pure tobacco. The taste of hand-rolled cigars is delicious. Real hand-rolled cigars also use a tobacco-based glue or “binder” to help the wrapper stay together. 

Machine-rolled options usually include additives and chemicals that harm the taste. You might find that machine-rolled cigars don’t have a tobacco-based wrapper, which can also be distasteful.

How to Smoke Cigars

Before you light your cigar, you’ll need to cut the end. Long-time cigar smokers will acquire a stylized cutter.

There are plenty of options available for cutting your cigar. Of course, a sharp knife can always work. Just make sure it’s extra sharp, as you don’t want to fray the ends.

Rotate the cigar as you light it and puff. Rotating will help the cigar burn evenly. The end of cigars is a lot thicker than cigarettes, so they won’t catch in the same way.

The main trick to smoking is not to inhale the smoke. Good cigars for beginners are on the softer side. If you’ve smoked cigarettes, it’s easy to make the mistake of inhaling. 

Once you’ve drawn the smoke into your mouth, hold it there are taste it. Exhale before you draw the smoke into your lungs. 

Cigar Storage

If you’re extra fancy, you’ll store your cigars in a humidor. Cigars can be warped by the elements and grow damp or dry depending on where you live. 

If you’ve ever smoked a dry cigarette, you’ll know what we’re talking about. If you’re not quite ready to invest in your cigar lifestyle, a normal Tupperware container will more than suffice. 

Good Cigars for Beginners 

Smoking a cigar at the end of a long day is a superb way to wind down. 

Whether you’re alone or with friends, cigar smoking is always stylish and relaxing. The best cigars for beginners will have a smooth taste.

You don’t need to break the bank to find the best type. The best cigars are made with love, and price doesn’t necessarily guarantee quality.

You deserve the best, so shop around until you find the best one. If you have any questions, be sure to get in touch! 


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