
Up Your Programming Game: What Are Microservices and How Can You Use Them?

Did you know that the microservices market is experiencing a spike in growth?

After all, its current market value is at $683.2 million. But it’s expected to triple in size at $1.88 billion within the next five years.

If you’re looking to improve your business efficiency and production, you can look into automation. You might be wondering, “What are microservices and how can it help you?” If you want to know the answer, read on and find out more.

What are Microservices?

At its core, microservices is a type of service that has very narrow but focused capabilities. It serves one purpose and it only functions to meet a business function. Their main selling point is that they’re self-contained and can function on their own.

Microservices communicate with each other using certain protocols. They can use events made by other microservices. They have the means of publishing their own events for others to use.

Do you want to know what microservices are in Java? You can read this post and get more info.

What are the Benefits of Microservices?

Even when you don’t have large-scale operations like Walmart or Macy’s, microservices can benefit you. It gives you a lot of value for what you pay for. Here are some of the advantages of microservices you can get by switching to it.

1. Increased Resilience

With the use of this architecture, you can decentralize your entire application. It becomes decoupled into various services that behave like they’re separate entities. This helps in ensuring that the failure in code won’t affect more than the service concerned.

Remember, a monolithic architecture is prone to this type of failure. In some cases, a single error in the code is enough to shut down the entire application. That means microservices help in minimizing the impact of system failure.

When several different services undergo maintenance, people won’t notice it. That makes your operation more resilient. It increases uptime to prevent complaints and other delays.

2. Improved Scalability

One of the main selling points of microservices is their great degree of scalability. It’s its key aspect since each service is their own component. That means you can scale different functions as you see fit.

Scaling up each of the components won’t mean you need to scale up the entire application. Your business-critical services can have deployments on many other servers while the update happens. This ensures that your availability stays consistent.

The scalability also helps in maintaining consistent performance of your application. This means that even when you scale up the other components, you won’t impact the performance of the others.

3. Specialized Functions

Microservices help you use the right tool to finish the right task. It’s easy to do since you aren’t tied to a package made by a single vendor. That gives you the flexibility to use the right components from different providers to accomplish your business goals.

Each of the services has its own set of features. That means it has it can have its own programming language or framework as well as ancillary services. It has that degree of independence while still having the means of communicating seamlessly with other services. 

4. Faster Market Time

Microservices work even with loosely-coupled services, you can add or modify features within short periods of time. This is possible since you won’t need to rewrite your entire code to accommodate them. That means you only need to apply the change to the service you want to update or replace.

This helps you develop your application using small increments. That allows you to test and deploy each component without affecting others. In the end, it’s a faster way of getting your application and services out into the market.

5. Easier Debugging and Maintenance

Using microservices also makes it easier for you to debug your applications. Testing them out is easier due to their smaller modules. You can make these go through the process of delivering and testing at the same time.

That means you’ll get more opportunities to deliver a higher-quality application. This helps in ensuring that you have higher chances of delivering applications free from error. That can help in getting more users and high ratings from them.  

6. Improved ROI while Reducing TCO

Microservices gives you better control of your resources. Using this architecture allows different teams to work on their own assigned component. This makes it faster for you to deploy or pivot away when needed.  

Your time of development gets reductions and it makes it easier for your team to reuse code. With decoupled services, you don’t need expensive machines to continue operations. Even the basic x86 machines can fit your requirements. 

With its efficiency, you can reduce your costs of infrastructure. It also helps in decreasing your downtime periods. Remember, the less downtime you have, the more opportunities you get to earn. 

7. Continuous Delivery

Monolithic applications have dedicated teams working on discrete functions. But microservices use teams that can handle the entire life cycle of your applications. They use a continuous delivery model to facilitate this process.

When your developers work with both operations and testers, the process becomes simple. It allows them to work together in a simultaneous manner when testing and debugging your application. This allows you to reuse code from your existing libraries when making similar applications. 

It saves a lot of time with its incremental development approach. 

Discover More Tips Today!

What are Microservices? Hopefully, this guide showcased what they are and how they can boost your business. 

A lot of the businesses that can enjoy it got the boost they needed to grow. But it’s always important to remember that there are times when it becomes detrimental to you.  

It all depends on the type of operation you have. If you have the means of handling it, go and manage using microservices as your architecture. Otherwise, you might need something else for you to grow. 

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