
You Against the World: A Guide to Moving Out at 18

Over 3 million young adults aged 20 to 34 still live with their parents.

If you don’t plan on being in your parents home for that long, then you need a plan. While moving out at 18 is definitely possible, it’s not easy to do without prior preparation.

If you’ve lived with your parents until now, there’s a lot you didn’t have to think about. But when you know you’re ready to leave their roof, all of that and more becomes your sole responsibility – and you need to know what’s coming.

Keep reading to learn what you need to move out of your parent’s house.

Developing A Plan For Moving Out at 18

The first things you need to decide are:

  • how and when you’ll tell your parents
  • how you’re going to save money and how long you need
  • based on those items, you can figure out the date you can move out

When you have a better idea of your plan for moving out and the date that you can do it, you’ve essentially set a goal. With a goal in mind, you’ll have incentive and added a bit of pressure to start taking the next steps.

Just make sure you’re not making a rash decision. Really consider whether you’re ready to live apart from your parents and whether it’s feasible financially. Make sure you’re moving out at 18 for the right reasons.

Tell Your Parents

In many cases, either your parents won’t want to see you go or they’re excited for you to take the next step in life. Regardless of their position, you’re going to have to talk to them about your plan to leave.

Open and clear communication helps you avoid misunderstanding, argument, and hostility. It keeps the relationship intact moving forward.

For that reason, you should also be sensitive to your parent’s emotions when you bring up the topic. Reassure them that you’ll stay in touch and visit often.

Create a Budget

When creating your budget, consider all of the items you need to cover. This includes:

  • rent
  • insurance
  • utilities
  • cellphone
  • gas
  • car payments
  • parking
  • groceries
  • spending money

You should also consider that you’ll need a buffer of emergency money. This can help cover unexpected costs.

More often than not, people make the mistake of underestimating what their budget will be. To avoid making this mistake, base your budget on what you actually spend. Record what you’ve spent in the categories that currently apply and overestimate the costs of new items such as groceries and utilities.

Knowing a budget in advance will help you manage your money when you’re moved out. But, before you even get to that point, it can also tell you how much you need to save before you go. Which takes us to our next point.

Save Money

How much you should save really comes down to whether you’re moving with our without a job. And to be honest, if you don’t have employment before you leave, we suggest continuing the job hunt and waiting until you do.  

But if you absolutely need to go, a good rule of thumb is to save six months worth of living expenses. In the case you have a job, then you can save between two and three months worth of living expenses. Make sure you have a good amount of savings before you move out, so you don’t have to move back in as a result of finances down the road.

Consider the Extras

What you save should include the extra items you’ll have to pay for when you first move. This includes first and last month rent upfront. You’ll also probably need money for a deposit and rental application fees.

What’s more, you’ll have to pay for your utilities to get set up. You may be required to pay a deposit or hook up on water, cable, and electricity. You’ll need to make sure this is part of your budget and savings. 

You might also consider renter’s insurance, and some landlords require you to have it. Though it will protect your property in case of theft or damage, it’s a cost you should consider.

You might have to think about other extras, depending on your situation. For example, if your parents were your transport prior to moving out, how are you going to get around? If you think you might need a car, click here to learn how to go about that.

Finally, unless you’re moving into a furnished property, you’ll need to think about big-ticket expenses like couches and tables. You’ll also need to factor in other necessities, which we talk about next.

Get The Necessities

You’re definitely going to need a bed. For some people, a mattress on the floor will suffice. But there’s still a cost associated with a mattress.

But then there’s the other stuff you need to live. These are basic necessities like toilet paper, garbage bags, cutlery, dishes, cleaning supplies, etc.

But what you and the next person consider a necessity is likely quite different. Make a list of the things that are essential to your day-to-day, and base the necessities you buy on that.


There’s a method for proper packing. First, you pack things you’re not going to need right away. This includes seasonal clothing, books, photos, etc.

Just a few days before you leave, you can start packing essential items. This includes clothes, prescriptions, toiletries etc. This way, you can use them up until you move and they’re easily accessed when you get to your new place.

All the labels should be labeled clearly and accurately. That makes it easier to find what you need amid the chaos of a move. 

Once you’re packed and ready to move, consider enlisting help. This might be friends or hiring professional movers. And if you’re moving out at 18, friends are definitely the more economical option.

All The Moving Out at 18 Resources in One Place

Moving out at 18 requires having a good plan and open communication with your parents. You’ll have to create an accurate budget and save enough money to cover living expenses, necessities, and any extras. And when the time comes, you’ll need to pack up your stuff and enlist some help to get it moved.

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