
Difficult Is an Understatement: 4 of the Hardest Drugs to Quit

Substance abuse is a reality that transcends demographics, location, and generation. People are consistently finding a struggle with drugs, which is why it’s important to get help whenever necessary.

While substances of choice come and go, you need to be aware of which are the hardest drugs to quit.

Learn all about these substances below so that you can get the help you need.

The Four Hardest Drugs to Quit

Drug addiction is both a psychological and physical issue. You need to get a handle for both when trying to recover.

In addition to learning the signs of addiction to know you have a problem, make sure that you learn about the nuances of each drug. The following below are some of the hardest drugs to quit:

1. Meth

Without question, meth addiction is a problem in today’s society. This is a drug that is ruining families and communities, in addition to personal health and well-being of a lot of people.

Today, meth offers a powerfully addictive high, and about 6 percent of the population has tried it. The fact that this drug is so addictive makes it an uphill battle to get off of meth once you have tried it.

This is why so many treatment centers right now are focusing on helping patients that have used the drug. Find the right therapy and addiction treatment, because it is here that true transformation and recovery are found.

2. Crack

This is a drug that ravaged families, communities, and generations when it came out in the 80’s.

It is a quick and powerful form of the cocaine high that is incredibly addictive, even after trying it only once. Because crack addiction is so difficult to shake, you will need the help of professionals that make a living helping people recover.

This will be a holistic form of recovery that requires a lifelong decision to get over this substance.

3. Alcohol

Yes, though it is legal, advertised and popularly acceptable, alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs to shake. In fact, the acceptability and social culture of alcohol could be the biggest reason that people all over find themselves so addicted.

This easy access makes a lot of people not feel that they even have a problem. Binge drinking in high school and college is a virtual right of passage.

Though it’s legal, alcohol withdrawal has nasty side effects and can even kill you — let alone the fact that drunk driving remains a leading cause of death year after year.

4. Cigarettes

Nicotine is incredibly addictive and hard to beat.

Though cigarettes are legal, the addictive properties are similar to narcotic level drugs. Many people find themselves even getting out of bed in the middle of the night to take a puff so that they can go to sleep.

You will need to get a handle on this addiction to make sure you’re protecting your quality of life.

Get Help When You Need It

Now that you see the hardest drugs to quit, you’ll need to take steps to get help. We offer lots of resources and information that can let you know if you have a problem, and what you can do about it.

To learn more about drug addiction and other issues, subscribe to our content.

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