
The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Coding Careers That Are in High Demand Right Now

It’s never too late to learn how to code. In fact, some people in their 60s, 70s, or even 80s have learned this skill!

And no matter when you learn, you can turn your coding knowledge into any one of a number of coding careers. With so many options out there, it can seem hard to choose the right career path. 

We’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll break down some of the most popular and in-demand coding careers today, so you can choose the best path for you. Keep reading to learn how to make your coding knowledge profitable!

1. Design and Arts

Coding careers aren’t the dry jobs that many people outside the industry imagine them to be. Did you know that your coding skills can set you up for success in the field of design and arts?

Designers don’t just build websites — they can also use coding skills to actually create cool new products. And artists often use graphic design as part of their creative, professional work.

You’ll still need to learn Python, JavaScript, or other common coding languages. But the way you apply that knowledge can be very creative. 

Don’t rule out coding careers just because you’re a creative person. In fact, your creativity sets you up for success in some of the best flexible jobs that involve coding. From visual artists to graphic designers at tech companies, coding opens up new creative career paths.

2. Mobile Development

If you love your smartphone, you can become one of the people who use coding to make using mobile devices even better.

Mobile apps are growing like crazy, and showing no signs of slowing down. The vast majority of Americans own a smartphone, and they’re always looking for new ways to stay informed or entertained on it. 

If you become a mobile developer, you can be sure your skills will stay in demand for many years to come. Some people develop games, while others might focus on refining apps for an established business. In short, you can take this coding career in many different directions.

3. Information Technology

Today’s IT jobs benefit from coding knowledge. Even if you’re not working in the tech industry, modern IT departments in all fields are often expected to know about coding.

Your skills can help troubleshoot and streamline operations in all kinds of industries, from medical to manufacturing. 

4. Data Analysis

With computers churning out ever-more data, data analysis has become a huge field of its own.

In this career, you’ll use your coding skills to help companies make sense of masses of data. You’ll need a strong applied math and statistics background to turn this data into information that anyone can understand and use. In some ways, you’ll be a sort of “data translator.” 

5. Web Development 

As a web developer, you’ll work with your clients to build the best possible websites. You’ll also make changes as needed to keep their sites up to date.

This also involves a lot of creativity, as you’ll need to create websites that look beautiful, in addition to being functional. And as you build more sites, you’ll also build up a portfolio of successful past projects to show off to future clients. Seeing the websites you’ve built will give you the satisfaction of a job well done.

6. Software Development

Software development, like many other types of coding careers, spans a lot of different jobs. Your exact responsibilities as a software developer can differ a lot depending on which company you work for.

However, the basics will still be the same. You’ll need to design software according to what the company wants to see and build and refine it as needed. 

Software developers can find jobs in all kinds of different industries. You could get a job with the government, in the finance sector, or at a trendy tech start-up. It all depends on the kind of environment you’d prefer to work in.

7. Science 

Did you know that many science fields also benefit from coding skills? Science and tech often go hand in hand. 

For example, scientists may want to build computer programs that can help analyze experiment results. Or they might use software to simulate possible events that can’t be created or tested in the real world.

8. Network Administration

As a network administrator, you’re in charge of allowing computers to interact and access the internet. You’ll use the technology, including coding skills, to make this happen.

For example, you might work at a company with an internal network that allows their employees to communicate more easily. You’ll be responsible for keeping that internal network working smoothly. 

While network administration is often a function of the IT job, it’s also a field that you can specialize in as a coder.

9. Quality Assurance Engineer

Another way to work with software is to become a software quality assurance engineer. In this field, you’ll help test software to make sure it works properly. You might need to run tests, document problems, write manuals, and more.

10. Database Development

Whenever software involves data (as it nearly always does), a database must be created to store that data. Database developers create easy-to-use, effective database solutions.

Your databases need to offer optimal performance, easy access to information, and secure storage for sensitive information. Banks, governments, and many other sectors need large, effective databases with the right security measures. 

Today, database specialists remain highly in demand, because the amounts of data that companies must work with are growing all the time. 

Ready to Embark on One of These Coding Careers?

As you can see, coding careers are not one-size-fits-all. From the highly creative to the highly technical, you’ll find something on this list to suit all kinds of different personalities and skills.

Ready to take your programming knowledge one step further? Microservices can set you apart — learn more here!

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