
What Are CBD Oil Tinctures and How Are They Used?

Taking CBD oil is becoming a go-to method for dealing with stress, anxiety, aches, and improving one’s overall wellness.

But, what is this stuff? 

As we come out of a murky period for cannabinoids, notably hemp-derived CBD, we can finally get to know the numerous benefits of this wonderful little compound. We’ve all heard about the “healing properties” of cannabidiol, but it’s still a foreign substance for many Americans that were put off by the illegal connotation of CBD.

In this post, we’re going to talk about CBD oil tinctures; what they are, what they do, and why you should get on the CBD train ASAP. As of last year, CBD has been legalized nationwide, so there’s no reason to stop yourself from using it. By the end of this article, you’ll wonder what took you so long to come around. 

CBD Explained

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the hundreds of “cannabinoids” in a cannabis plant. The most famous all of these cannabinoids is THC. That’s the stuff that gets you high, or in other terms, has “psychoactive properties”. The second most famous is CBD.

CBD, like THC and other cannabinoids, interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body. You don’t get high from taking CBD. Rather, it’s supposed to have anti-inflammatory, anxiety-relieving properties, and it seems to counteract some of the effects of THC when you take it. 

Our naturally occurring endocannabinoids act as neurotransmitters that send messages throughout the body. When you take CBD, it has an effect on specific neurotransmitters that have to do with cognition, memory, motor skills, and pain.

It’s still a little unclear what the exact effects of taking CBD are for the body, but scientists think that taking it helps the body promote more of its own endocannabinoids. This is what (they think) leads to the easing of pain and relief from anxiety and depression.

CBD Oil Tinctures: What Are They?

It seems like there are endless ways to ingest, apply, and inhale CBD and we’re only a few years into it being a part of the collective consciousness. Now that hemp-derived (yes, you can get CBD from hemp, which is a whole other topic of conversation) CBD is legal, there a growing number of products available.

You can vape CBD, you can take CBD pills, you can even take CBD gummies and apply CBD balms. One of the most popular methods of taking CBD is by using CBD oil tinctures. If you don’t know what this all means, that’s okay, we’ll help.

Tincture Creation

CBD tinctures are made by soaking a (hemp or cannabis) plant with a high level of CBD in alcohol, then applying low heat to it for a certain span of time. During this process, the desired compound in the plant is meant to infuse the spirit. Most of the alcohol is burned off during the heating process.

What results is a highly potent CBD liquid, so you don’t need to take large quantities to get the desired effect. It becomes a CBD oil tincture when the person making it adds flavored oils and other ingredients to make it taste a little bit better.

Because it’s so potent, CBD oil tinctures usually come with a dropper so you can slowly apply the exact amount that you want. There are many popular ways of ingesting the tinctures, with a lot of people just dropping it underneath their tongue.

You can also put the tincture in your food or beverages. As the CBD oil tincture industry progresses, there’ll likely be specific flavors made to pair with specific foods and drinks. Right now, companies like Crush CBD make tinctures that can be added to your flavored water, coffee, or tea.

Why CBD Oil Tinctures Are Better

As many CBD users would attest, the benefits of taking CBD oil tinctures are plenty. It’s proven to have an incredible effect on people with bad anxiety and depression, but as researchers learn more and more about it, it’s even been discussed as a possible option to stop the spread of cancer.

With the full-legalization of hemp-derived CBD last year, scientists can now fully dive into their research to find out more about these claims. While we wait for their findings, we can enjoy the known advantages of taking CBD.

Although any method of consuming CBD is very popular at the moment, oil tinctures are proving to be one of the more discreet, powerful, and delectable ways to enjoy it. Here’s why:

  • Tinctures work fast. As we noted, CBD oil tinctures are extremely potent, so you only need a tiny amount to achieve the desired effect. 
  • It’s much preferred to vaping or eating CBD. The droplets are easily digestible and better for the body.
  • If you’ve got health issues related to smoking, then tinctures are better for you than vapes. They also don’t produce smoke, making them much more discreet than their counterparts.
  • Because they work so quickly, you can really dial in the exact amount of CBD that you want. With other methods, you’re at the mercy of having to inhale the right amount, or worse, eat the right amount to get the desired effect. With CBD oil tinctures, you can figure out exactly how much you need.

CBD Products Moving Forward

It goes without saying that as we find out more about CBD oil tinctures and the various other methods of consuming CBD, we’ll be able to regulate it more and develop even more helpful products. It’s important to remember that though this substance is ancient, it’s only been in the public eye for a few years.

It’s exciting to project forward and think about what CBD can do for us and what we can do with CBD in the near and distant future. It’s already made such huge waves in the medical world to this point, so we’re sure as more information is uncovered, we’ll be able to make those waves even bigger and more frequent.

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