
5 Things to Remember About Website Localization

website localization

If you want to create a multilingual experience for your website, it’s time to localize. What is website localization? Essentially, it means taking an existing website and adapting it to a local language in a target area.

Brands can benefit immensely from appropriating their website to local markets. Not only does this strategy build credibility and increase customer engagement, it also boosts revenue.

In fact, Fortune 500 businesses who localize their website are 1.5 more likely to see growth than those who don’t. If you’re looking for a way to cut into that Google pie even further, here’s what you should know.

1. Terminology

The verbiage on your website needs to be easy to understand and to the point. Try to avoid any terminology that is specific to a language or culture, as it won’t translate well.

Using the same lexicon across the board will also help your SEO efforts. That’s because search engines will pick up on a higher keyword or phrase usage.

2. Branding

Try not to deviate away too much from your original website’s look and feel when tailoring to new cultures. Brand unity is essential for your company’s development, as customers need to be able to recognize you.

It is acceptable to make small tweaks and adjustments when appropriate. However, you should identify your brand’s goals, missions, etc. before translating so you have a clear path to follow for your new sites.

3. Video Content

Be mindful of any video content and other multimedia forms on your website. These need to be altered separately, as Translate will not pick up on any audio.

Consider adding subtitles or even voice-over translations onto video and podcast content. But, make sure you understand your market’s cultural preferences. Some would prefer reading text over existing content, while others will look for completely new audio.

4. Contact Information

This is something so simple, yet so commonly forgot about that it must be mentioned. When localizing your website, make sure your phone number and address are accessible for each language.

If your contact info isn’t accessible in a certain area, make sure to provide other ways for your customers to reach you. You may want to consider hiring an entreprise de traduction (translating business) to ensure all bases are covered.

5. Do Your Research on Website Localization

If you’re unsure if you should branch out into a territory, don’t just go in blindly. Google Analytics is on your side to help you determine just how much traffic is coming from certain areas in the world.

Always monitor these figures to determine what areas are performing well and which are lacking. You don’t want to waste time and resource in markets that don’t respond as you’d like them to.

Let’s Wrap This Up

Website localization will take your marketing efforts to the next level. However, you need to go in with a strategy to ensure you’re getting the best ROI.

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