
Need a Lawyer Now? Top 9 Situations When you Need a Lawyer

Did you know the demand for legal services in the United States is on the rise?

If you have never hired a lawyer before, you’d be forgiven for thinking you only need one when you’re going to court. Well, turns out millions of Americans are seeking legal services even when they aren’t dealing with the court system.

But then, most lawyers charge a premium for their services. This discourages a vast majority of people from hiring one, even when they really need a lawyer on their side.

So if you’re wondering whether you need a lawyer now, we’ve got your back. Keep reading to know the top situations when you must really make that call.

1. You’re Being Sued

Most people wrongly think you need to be a criminal or a dangerous person to be sued in a court of law. The truth is you can be sued by anyone and for any reason.

For instance, you could be on the couch having a good time, but outside your pet dog is busy getting naughty. Maybe it wanders off to your neighbor’s yard and poops or causes some other destruction. In this case, your neighbor can sue you for your dog’s trespass and damage caused on the yard.

The gist of this is if you’re being sued, it’s not time to start thinking of how innocent you’re. Don’t imagine you’ll just tell your story in court and the judge will believe it. You must prove your innocence, and to do this you need a lawyer on your defense.

2. You’re Facing Criminal Charges

Criminal charges are not a light matter. If a suspect is found guilty, they stand to face several years or even a lifetime behind bars – depending on the specific crime.

In the United States, you’ll face charges if you commit or are suspected to commit the following offenses:

  • Child abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Rape and statutory rape
  • Arson
  • Assault and battery
  • Kidnapping
  • Financial fraud
  • Conspiracy to commit a crime
  • Reckless driving
  • Drug possession, manufacturing, and trafficking.

These are some of the criminal charges you shouldn’t fight on your own. In fact, you not only need a criminal attorney, but also one who is vastly experienced in criminal law.

These cases can drag on for months or even years. A lawyer will ensure you get bail while waiting for trial and defend you till a favorable outcome is reached.

3. You’re Preparing a Will/Estate Plan

A whopping 60 percent of Americans don’t have a will or any kind of estate plan. Yet it’s this document that will ensure their wealth is distributed according to their wishes when they pass on.

Writing a will doesn’t mean death is imminent. It means you’re preparing for life’s uncertainties. If something were to happen to you, you’ll rest in peace knowing you left your estate in order.

To create a will that’s litigation-proof, you need the help of an estate planning attorney. This professional will let you in on the probate process, so you have all the information you need to divide your assets among your heirs.

Plus, estate planning isn’t just about sharing your wealth. It’s also about putting down advance directives for your medical decisions in the event that you’re not able to make them yourself.

4. You’re Unable to Pay Your Debt

The average American owes about $38,000. This is just personal debt, meaning mortgages and commercial loans aren’t in the picture.

While taking up loans isn’t a bad thing, a borrower can easily end up in a huge hole of debt. If you lose your job after taking out a huge personal loan, for example, you’ll likely end up defaulting on the loan. The same goes for taking out a business loan to start a business that fails shortly after startup.

When you’re unable to pay your debt, the lender will forward your account to a collection agency. These guys are notorious for making endless calls and even harassing those who owe money.

If you’re in this situation or you’re looking to negotiate with your lender, you’ll need a debt settlement attorney, like the ones at McCarthy Law PLC. This attorney will assess your financial situation and get in touch with your lenders in a bid to negotiate a repayment plan that suits your needs.

What if you’re considering filing for bankruptcy? In this case, you need a bankruptcy attorney.

5. You’re in a Discriminatory Workplace

An ideal workplace provides a positive environment where every employee should pursue their career goals and earn a living.

However, not all workplaces are supportive. It’s not uncommon to hear of discrimination in workplaces across the country. For instance, 42 percent of working women in the U.S. have faced gender discrimination.

If you’ve got a reason to believe that you’re a subject of discrimination in your workplace, don’t suffer alone. First, record every instance of any kind discrimination and present your evidence to the company’s relevant department. If nothing is done, seek the counsel of an employment discrimination lawyer.

6. You’ve Been Injured at Work  

Still in the workplace; have you ever been injured on the job?

If yes, you probably know how an injury can put you out of work for a long time and even put your job at risk. But these shouldn’t be things to worry about because you’re entitled to adequate compensation for your injuries, pain, and any loss of income.

Here’s the thing, though. Filing for a worker’s compensation claim can turn out to be a lengthy, bureaucratic process. In some instances, your employer or their insurance provider might deny your claim or offer to settle for far less than you justly deserve.

In this situation, don’t even think twice about hiring a worker’s comp lawyer. These professionals have the expertise to arm-twist insurance companies and ensure you’re compensated adequately.

7. You’re in the Middle of a Nasty Divorce

Marriages come to an end. Some do so amicably, and others don’t go down without chaos.

If you and your ex-spouse are able to end things on an amicable note and agree on things such as spousal support and child custody, well and good. You’ve just saved yourself from endless trouble.

But if you’re unable to agree, things can turn nasty real quick. Maybe your partner wants sole custody of the kids, something you’re not ready to sail away from. Or you own joint property and you can’t agree on how to divide it.

Regardless of your specific situation, it’s clear you need a divorce attorney to help you get things done. The other party will also certainly hire a lawyer, so you don’t want to be the only one without an expert on your side

8. You’ve Suffered an Injury in a Road Accident

Every year in the U.S, about 2.35 million people sustain injuries as a result of road crashes.

Though no one hits the road wishing for an accident, the risk is always there. No matter how carefully you drive, there are situations beyond your control that can put you in the middle of a crash.

And so if your worst fears have come to pass and you’ve been injured, the first thing is to get medical treatment. The next step is to hire a car accident attorney, and here is why:

After an accident, the police will conduct an investigation to establish who was at fault. If another party was at fault, you’ll be eligible for compensation from their insurance company. An accident attorney will ensure this come to fruition.

But what if you’re the one at fault?

First, an attorney will conduct an independent investigation to establish whether the police’s findings are accurate. If correct, the lawyer will defend you as necessary, ensuring the other party doesn’t take undue advantage of your mistake.

9. You’re Starting a Business

Planning to set up a small business soon?

You’re probably running on a tight budget, but one of the items you must make room for is legal fees.

Let’s face it: the American economy is not kind to small businesses. About 50 percent of all new business will not be in operation after five years. This is why you need a business attorney to help you get various legal aspects of the business right.

For example, a lawyer will tell you whether you need to open a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation. If you’re partnering up with somebody, your lawyer will be there to create a partnership agreement.

Need a Lawyer Now? Certainly!

At one point or another, you’ll ask yourself, “Do I need a lawyer now?”

In some instances, the answer will be no. Other times the answer will be yes. The trick lies in knowing when the answer has to be yes. Lucky for you, this article has fleshed out some of the top instances when you need a lawyer.

Good luck and keep reading our blog for more legal tips and insights.

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