Meditation has the power to keep your mind focused and at peace. Around 8% of the United States population chooses meditation as a way to cope with stress.
The practice continues to grow and expand across the entire world.
Sometimes, people have difficulties with meditating. A lot of the time people can use prayer beads to help them feel more connected to the meditative state.
Mala beads are meant for spiritual healing. Are you curious to learn more about this incredible jewelry to set yourself up for self-improvement in 2019?
Keep reading this post to discover even more about mala beads.
1. Mala Beads are Garlands of 108 Beads
Why 108 beads you may be wondering?
Well, in Sanskrit, mala translates to the garland. Mala stands for garland which is another word to describe a necklace worn around the neck.
The garland is a token of love and appreciation. In ancient India, people would use their garlands, or japa mala, as a way to connect to their inner spiritual essence. Prayer beads are now used in many different cultures.
Different cultures practice the art of meditation using several techniques. Wearing a strand of mala beads around the neck is one of the most popular forms of practicing.
2. Why are Mala Beads Significant?
You may be asking yourself why mala beads matter during your practice of meditation.
Mala beads are natural stones that have healing capabilities. Many believe these beads are made with such bright energies. These strong energies are important to have a successful meditation with each practice.
Since the mala beads are natural elements from the Earth, they bring a sense of happiness to the real world.
These natural elements, such as stone, are meant to improve your life and your surroundings. By incorporating mala beads into your daily routine, you are able to connect with your inner energy and focus on your breathing as a way to feel less stressed.
3. How Can You Use Mala Beads?
Some ways to use mala beads include hanging them up in your car, over your kitchen sink, in your bedroom, or anywhere you need a constant reminder of your spiritual energy.
You can also wear your mala beads each morning as you rise up from your bed and begin the day with a 10-minute meditation session.
Focus on the beads you are wearing to slow down your breathing over time. Wearing your beads will become a tradition for you, too. You will stop sweating the small stuff once you begin bringing in meditation to your life.
Seeking More Life Advice to Heal Your Body and Mind?
Start your journey with meditation right now. You can easily find the right mala beads for your life when you search online.
Take your new necklace and wear it around the house for a few days to get connected to it.
Take your health more seriously in 2019. Meditating can be your answer to eliminating stressors from your life. Are you a curious human? Be sure to check out the rest of our health & wellness tips on our blog page, too.